Saturday, November 8, 2008

GreasySkillet Lauds Winstead's, I Beg 2 Differ

The GreasySkillet blog touts Winstead's and Town Topic as the best burgers in town, but I do not concur.

It's not quite on the Plaza, but we can walk to the Westport Flea Market... their burger is the absolutely bomb-diggity. From their site:
"The Flea Market has a storied history: Infamous serial killer Bob Berdella had a booth in the flea market part of the building. The place nearly closed a few years ago,until Joe Zwillenberg stepped in to buy it, rescuing it from developers who wanted to demolish the building and build a Hooters."
Now that makes you want to eat meat, doesn't it?

10oz of juicy goodness can be had at the Flea Market in conjunction with curly fries as "springy as a piggy tail" and 23 brews on tap... well, you can't go wrong, you can just go fat.

See you there NEXT WEEK!

1 comment:

muddywaters said...

Thanks for the burger recommendation. I'm always on the prowl for good food. I'll be sure to visit your blog on a regular basis to read about the best KC has to offer.

Take care,